

What is Pilates and why should I do it?

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on strengthening muscles while improving balance, flexibility, stability, mobility, and posture.  It focuses more on muscle tone than muscle building, and it specifically focuses on your core,  which includes your lower back, hips, glutes, hamstrings, and pelvic floor.   Over time, it has become clear that the average person can benefit from Pilates.  Our muscles get imbalanced because of the overuse or repetitive movements that we do every day, and Pilates is what we do to help counteract that. Pilates is for everybody, regardless of gender, age, race, size, ability, or current fitness level. Pilates is excellent for the aging body and joints. It is low-impact and can be performed in non-weight-bearing positions.  Please consult your doctor or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program

What to know before starting Pilates.

It is recommended that beginners practice Pilates at least twice a week, although many people find three times a week to be more effective. If you’re just starting out, go slow at first and gradually increase the intensity of your workout. Pilates is meant to be a slow and intentional exercise program rather than a fast-paced aerobic exercise. So, please slow down and remember to breathe!

Women's Health Blog